Even if you’re as healthy as a horse, you can still get diabetes. It’s genetic in some cases and some people just have what amounts to bad luck with how their system handles sugar. If you need help controlling your diabetes or just need to learn about it, check out these great diabetes tips in the article.

Do you know what your A1C is? If you’re Diabetic, you should know it along with your weight. This number indicates how well you’ve been controlling your blood sugar over the long-term, which will tell you if you need to be checking your fasting blood glucose levels more often to see what’s going on.

Peanut butter is an excellent way to satisfy a craving for something sweet when you’re diabetic. It contains healthy fats and is relatively low in sugar, so grab a spoon and dig in. Lick it like a lollipop and it will outlast any craving you have. Be careful if you put it on crackers or bread because you will need to include those carbohydrates in your daily counts.

The best thing a person can do to avoid diabetes is to exercise. People who exercise 30 to 60 minutes per day, at least 5 days per week, can lower their risk of developing diabetes by almost 50 percent. Exercise improves the health of your heart and lungs, reduces stress, reduces fat, increases metabolism and lowers blood sugar levels.

Stress can wreak havoc on a Diabetic’s mental health, but it will also cause problems physically as well. Try to do stress-relieving activities like exercise, yoga, or deep breathing exercises at the end of the day or during any situation that is particularly stressful to keep yourself calm, cool, and collected.

One word is more important than all others if you have diabetes and that word is lifestyle. If you can lead a healthy lifestyle, you can live a very normal life with diabetes and ultimately, avoid the adverse complications. Use the tips in this article to help you to change your lifestyle and better manage your disease.