Mainstream medicine considers type 2 diabetes to be an irreversible, incurable disease. It is painlessly simple to prevent, complete reversal is a totally tangible goal, and in the rare cases in which reversal is not possible, there are easy and practical ways to live a long, healthy, and prosperous life as a type 2 diabetic without complications. Even the disease itself is so misunderstood by mainstream health authorities and dieticians alike that it is almost hard not to laugh at the beliefs they have about its causation. They assert that eating a high-fat, high-calorie diet and not getting enough exercise is the CAUSE of type 2 diabetes. Their only challengers assert that eating carbohydrates causes type 2 diabetes! I swear, I’m not making this up. Read more, as I reveal how I dropped my fasting blood sugar by 26% in less than a month by eating a diet high in saturated fat, high-glycemic carbohydrates, and calories while sitting in front of a computer writing this eBook in lieu of exercise.
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