Information can never be overtold when dealing with a disease like diabetes. You need to be arm yourself on how to treat this disease. It doesn’t have to mean that your quality of life has been ireversibly diminished for good. Information like that presented in this article can help you control your diabetes and go on to lead a high-quality life.
If you want to get oats into your diet but you don’t like eating a bowl of oatmeal, put them in your muffins and have one for breakfast. You can take any muffin recipe and add as much oats as possible, and throw in some cinnamon for an extra diabetes-fighting punch!
Diabetic children can often feel ostracized or different than their classmates. You must remind your child that everyone is different, and that they’re just like any children with peanut allergies or a pair of glasses. Their Diabetes is just a bump in their life, not a hurdle, and they’ll be a stronger person some day for working hard at keeping it at bay.
If you want a fun way to exercise, take your kids to the park! You can play a game of soccer or basketball, or just chase them around on the playground. Tennis is also fun and you can play with kids of any age. Pick something they enjoy and you’ll enjoy it, too!
Diabetics can have problems in their eyes due to their condition, so make sure you go to the optometrist for testing at least once a year. Many optometrists have special machines, which can look inside your eyeball to check for the typical damage of a diabetic, and can sometimes diagnose your disease before you even have symptoms!
Herbal tea is a great drink for diabetics as it contains many wonderful nutrients and can taste so good you don’t even think about adding cream or sugar. Be sure to check the ingredients as some manufacturers will add sugar or artificial sweeteners.
Cut the trans fats out of your diet if you’re diagnosed as a Diabetic. Trans fats cause heart disease, increase fat around your midsection, and lead to healthy people developing Diabetes. If you stop eating this less-than-healthy item you can help reduce your chances of developing heart problems early in life.
Treat yourself to a leg and foot massage once in a while to keep your circulation pumping. Diabetes causes peripheral neuropathy, which can be painful and not reversible. Have your spouse put some lotion on your calves and give you a soothing rub to relieve your stress and help your feet stay healthy.
If you see ANY damage to the skin on your feet and you have Diabetes you must let your podiatrist know as soon as possible! He’ll be able to tell you what to use to keep it clean and free of infection, and prescribe you an antibiotic cream or gel if necessary.
The key to a Diabetic diet isn’t necessarily cutting anything out completely, but instead is about counting up what is in that food item and eating it in an appropriate moderation. For example, having a slice of cake can be fine as long as you work it into your meal and have a smaller piece than you might have pre-diagnosis.
If you are a diabetic and find that your foods are too bland, you may want to add some cinnamon. It does not contain any sugar, calories, or sodium, so it is healthy for diabetes. Also, some studies suggest that it may even help to lower blood sugar in some people.
To reduce the sugar in your diet, try using light or low-fat products when you cook. These products aren’t just lower in fat- they also contain less sugar and sodium. This is a great way to continue to use things like peanut butter, sour cream, and cheese in your cooking.
Look for high-fiber foods. Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to eliminate breads and pastas from your diet. The problem is that most breads and pastas are made with refined carbohydrates ” making them high glycemic foods that you should avoid. These processed carbohydrates cause dangerous spikes in blood sugar. Instead, look for whole-grain varieties. You can find whole-grain breads and pastas right alongside their refined counterparts in the grocery stores. These carbohydrates are high in dietary fiber, which means your body takes longer to break them down ” and there is no sugar spike.
While some people view vacation as a chance to get away from all of their most pressing obligations, the same cannot be said of blood-glucose testing. Instead of entirely shirking your duties, you may be able to follow a more relaxed approach. You may be able to splurge on your eating habits, delay waking up for an early-morning glucose check, or testing as frequently.
Diabetes is known to be a cause of nerve damage in extremities particularly in the feet. Besides taking your Diabetic medications, you should therefore take extra care of your feet. Wash your feet on a daily basis and make sure to keep them dry. In addition, avoid walking barefoot and wear sneakers or slippers. At the very least, keep your socks on.
When dealing with a child that has diabetes, be sure that you include the entire family along with the special dietary plan that the child has to endure. This will make it much easier for the child to handle, as opposed to having to watch other people eat foods that they might desire.
If you are diabetic, eat high glycemic foods in moderation. This group of foods includes refined white bread, white pasta, and refined rice. These foods cause your blood sugar to raise very quickly, making it difficult to manage. Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet to avoid filling up on these processed foods.
Being honest with yourself is crucial if you are to fight back against diabetes. And as long as you’re being honest with yourself, you know that you need tips like you’ve just read in order to approach living with diabetes the right way. Never neglect that fact – and you can win the battle.