Diabetes can have many terrible side effects, and making sure you keep regular check ups with your doctor is vital to controlling these side effects. Recognizing these side effects is important so you can stop them before they get out of control. This article will give you some ideas about what to look for if you think you might be experiencing some side effects of the disease.

Unlike breastfeeding, no one cares if you shoot up your insulin at the table. Really! Don’t hide away in a bathroom or closet, come clean with your diagnosis and have your family and friends share in your recovery. The more they know, the more they can support you when you need them.

To save money, the American Diabetes Association approves the re-use of testing lancets. These are the needles used by your glucometer to test your blood sugar. Re-using them does result in them becoming dull, so be sure to change them out when you notice the pain level of your testing rising. Never share lancets.

When you’re on a plane it can be hard for a Diabetic to keep their feet moving. Try to do little exercises while you sit, like moving your foot up and down or turning it in circles. Keep wiggling your toes to ensure your circulation gets blood right down to your tippy-toes.

Check your blood sugar before you go to bed, and if it’s low, bring it up with a quick snack. This allows you to ensure that your levels are steady throughout the night. Otherwise, your levels might drop in the middle of the night, causing you to wake up with sweats and disorientation.

Sodas, ketchup and many other processed sweet foods contain high fructose corn syrup, so read the labels on everything you are considering buying at the market, and pass on it if it contains this ingredient. Watch out for “glucose/fructose” too; this is the Canadian term for the same ingredient.

To avoid developing more serious health problems because of your diabetes, be sure to take any prescribed medication as directed. Keeping track of medication can be a challenge, but it’s vital to maintaining your health. If your medications have troublesome side effects, see your doctor immediately, and don’t discontinue the medication without their okay.

Conditions like Gastroparesis can cause your stomach to empty itself of food more slowly than normal after you have eaten a meal. For diabetics, this can translate to unpredictable drops and spikes in blood glucose levels, which can then affect the way that you feel throughout the day. Consider speaking with your doctor about whether you should take your insulin later or sooner than the standard 45 minutes before a meal.

While it is very important to watch your intake of sugar when you are diabetic, you have to keep in mind that the amount of carbohydrates should be low, as well. Eating things like white bread, potatoes, flour, and white rice, can cause your blood sugar to rise fairly quickly.

This increases your child’s chances of developing diabetes when he or she is born or later in life. Do NOT curse your child with this disease, instead take care of yourself now.

Potential employers cannot deny employment from those who suffer from diabetes. Because of this law, you do not have to disclose your diagnosis to your employer.

Egg whites are one of the best foods you can eat for breakfast. Egg whites have few calories, little fat, and are teeming with proteins. Some ideas include omelets with egg whites, or fried egg whites with some turkey bacon.

Diabetes is known to be a cause of nerve damage in extremities particularly in the feet. Besides taking your Diabetic medications, you should therefore take extra care of your feet. Wash your feet on a daily basis and make sure to keep them dry. In addition, avoid walking barefoot and wear sneakers or slippers. At the very least, keep your socks on.

One of the leading causes of Type II diabetes is the overconsumption of soda. Soda has a high amount of sugar, and many people just don’t realize just how much they consume (ridiculously large cups sizes are a factor!). Drinking large amounts everyday soon begins to have a toll on our bodies, and this may be hidden for some time. If you are one of the millions of Americans that drink soda everyday, the simple change of limiting your consumption to one small serving daily, can save your health and extend your life by many years.

Take special care in choosing your shoes if you are diabetic. Avoid plastic or steel toes, as well as waterproof material. These materials can encourage fungal growth, which is particularly dangerous if you are diabetic. Diabetes can negatively effect your feet, so be extremely cautious and make sure your shoes don’t make any problems worse.

When you are testing your blood glucose levels, take the time to wash your hands properly before you perform the test on yourself. Use an antibacterial soap that is mild in nature so that you keep your fingertips moist. This will make the test much more effective and your hands more moisturized.

It is safe for you to reuse your lancets and syringes if the needles are in good condition. You may not want to do this if you have sensitive fingers and skin but if you have a high pain threshold, you are surely going to be fine to do this. You will want to keep them very clean between uses.

When you combine smoking and diabetes, blood vessel damage to your extremities can increase significantly. Blood pressure often increases, resulting in damage to small blood vessels in the feet and hands, and impairing blood flow. This can result in reduced circulation, which in turn, can result in ulcers, particularly on the feet.

As stated at the beginning of this article, diabetes can have many terrible and devastating side effects if left untreated. Knowing how to recognize the signs of the side effects, and notifying your doctor of any changes is vital to keeping your diabetes under control. Apply the advice from this article to help maintain your diabetes, and keep those terrible side effects under control.