Like with everything in life, hindsight is always 20/20, so there’s no use to beat yourself up if you have diabetes. It’s too late for prevention now, but it’s not too late to properly manage your sickness and to lead a normal lifestyle. Use these tips to help you out with the disease.

If you want a snack that’s fun to eat and tasty too, but your Diabetes means that you don’t seem to have any options, reach for popcorn! You can leave the butter out if you’re trying to lose weight, and keep the portion down so that you don’t overdo your carbohydrates.

Hey there, Diabetics! Have you ever thought of turning your burger inside out? Well, not exactly, but putting the lettuce on the outside will get rid of that carbohydrate-laced bun and increase the amount of vegetables you’re eating. Replace the hamburger with a lentil patty for an even healthier treat!

Stress can wreak havoc on a Diabetic’s mental health, but it will also cause problems physically as well. Try to do stress-relieving activities like exercise, yoga, or deep breathing exercises at the end of the day or during any situation that is particularly stressful to keep yourself calm, cool, and collected.

The best thing a person can do to avoid diabetes is to exercise. People who exercise 30 to 60 minutes per day, at least 5 days per week, can lower their risk of developing diabetes by almost 50 percent. Exercise improves the health of your heart and lungs, reduces stress, reduces fat, increases metabolism and lowers blood sugar levels.

Don’t worry about having a “Diabetes Bag” that you carry around with you, just keep syringes in your purse, jacket pockets, car, and desk at work. Keep your meter and insulin with you in a small bag or your purse and you’ll be ready for injections no matter where you end up.

Many people have diabetes. Acknowledging this can eliminate any shame or stress that came with your diagnosis, and make living with the condition much easier.

It can be hard to get enough exercise in when you’re traveling, so plan for some hiking or walks to explore your new environment. Go swimming in the hotel pool, or even take an hour at the gym. Walking through the mall or a museum can even serve as some extra movement.

If you have a family history of diabetes, prevention is very important. A great way to prevent diabetes is to increase your intake of fiber. Foods that are high in fiber include fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains and nuts. Foods high in fiber increase your blood sugar control ability, which in turn reduces your chances of getting diabetes. Filling your plate up with foods high in fiber is an important way to prevent diabetes.

Get familiar with the glycemic index rating of foods to help gain better control of your diabetes. It is important to learn to recognize high glycemic foods like breads, fruit juices, cereals, pasta and rice. Eating more vegetables, lean proteins and other low glycemic index foods keeps your blood sugar from spiking after meals.

It is important that you know how to use your insulin pump. Many people do not get the proper amount of insulin because they are not using their pump correctly. If you do not know what you are doing, do not feel ashamed to ask your doctor or another health professional, for help.

If you have diabetes, you want to make sure you limit the amount of pasta you consume. It is really easy to eat too much of it because it is so delicious. Before you know it, you will eat more than you think you have eaten, which can really elevate your glucose levels. A cup of pasta has as many calories as three slices of bread. Keep that in mind the next time you eat pasta.

One of the most difficult things to remember for a newly-diagnosed diabetic is the importance of monitoring glucose levels diligently. Over time, failure to do so can lead to irreversible damage to the nerves and blood vessels throughout the entire body. These types of damage can lead to problems with emotional, cardiovascular, and sexual health.

Look for high-fiber foods. Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to eliminate breads and pastas from your diet. The problem is that most breads and pastas are made with refined carbohydrates ” making them high glycemic foods that you should avoid. These processed carbohydrates cause dangerous spikes in blood sugar. Instead, look for whole-grain varieties. You can find whole-grain breads and pastas right alongside their refined counterparts in the grocery stores. These carbohydrates are high in dietary fiber, which means your body takes longer to break them down ” and there is no sugar spike.

If you have diabetes, a great tip is to make sure you get a proper amount of sleep. If your amount of sleep is poor, it can mess with your hormones and lead to an increased appetite and elevated blood sugar. Research has shown that just one night of poor sleep can increase your insulin sensitivity by up to 25 percent. So make sure you get some sleep.

Watch out for liquid sugars. It is just as important for diabetics to watch what they drink as it is to watch what they eat. High-fructose corn syrup found in soft drinks is especially harmful to diabetics, and while fruit juices can be healthy, they can also cause a dangerous spike in blood sugar and should be consumed in moderation. Water is the best choice when you are thirsty, followed by unsweetened beverages.

You may be very proud or even incredibly stubborn, but you should always realize that you need a little bit of help when you have diabetes. Articles like the one you’ve just read can point you in the right direction when it comes to fighting the disease. Now it’s up to you to put the tips to action.