Diabetes is very serious and will lead to some serious health problems or death if not taken care of. The key to a happy and healthy life is learning about how to take care of your diabetes most effectively. The following article will give you some great tips for caring for yourself if you suffer from diabetes.
The glycemic index is a number that reflects how much effect different foods have on your blood sugar level. For diabetics, the GI numbers should be as low as possible.
Blood Sugar
Almonds are a great snack to fill you up without affecting your blood sugar levels. Consuming almonds can decrease the blood sugar surges that often accompany meals. Always keep some almonds handy around the house so you always have them when you’re struck with the urge to snack.
Many foods, such as eggs or beans, are packed full of protein and are great for someone with diabetes. Don’t get into a rut and keep trying new things!
If you are a diabetic, you should get tested for sleep apnea right away. Sleep apnea can affect your health and your quality of life, but you can minimize the effects by getting treatment early.
If you are diabetic, be very careful when getting a pedicure. Because people with diabetes are likely to develop foot infections, even a small cut can have serious results.
Switching to an online pharmacy is a smart way to save money on the many medications needed by diabetics. You can even set up monthly deliveries, so you never run out of the diabetes supplies you need.
You don’t have to join a gym to work out; walk at the park or take a jog around your block. You can use the jungle gym to do chin ups, or use canned goods and bags of heavy things for weight lifting.
If you are a diabetic and also smoke, it is in your best interests to quit. Smoking is an unhealthy habit for everyone, but it can be especially dangerous for diabetics as it can cause elevated blood glucose levels. If you want to quit but are encountering difficulty, consider asking your healthcare practitioner for advice.
To stay on top of your diabetes, remind yourself of what you gain by managing the condition. Figure out what it is in your life that’s important to you. Is there something that prevents you from participating in those activities? Fix those problems first. By staying focused on what’s most important, you’ll remain motivated in your diabetes management.
If you suffer from diabetes, a great spice you can add to your foods without adding calories, sugar or sodium to your diet, is cinnamon. Cinnamon can enhance the sweetness of some foods without posing a risk to your health. Studies are mixed as to whether cinnamon can actually lower your glucose levels, but regardless, it is an excellent spice to add.
Favorite Foods
Alter the foods that you love eating as opposed to eliminating them. For most, the restrictive diet that is necessary to control diabetes is the most difficult part of dealing with the disorder. Many assume they have to stop eating these favorite foods entirely. Others will continue to eat their favorite, unhealthy foods. The smart thing to do is to find delicious substitutes for your favorite foods. A lot of foods can be prepared in a way that is healthy for diabetics to eat.
Smoking can have multiple disadvantages, but even more so for those inflicted with diabetes. Do not start smoking and if you already do, you should consider quitting. Smoking makes you more resistant to insulin. If you don’t already have diabetes you may have an increased risk of getting type 2 diabetes.
Gestational diabetes should go away after the baby is born, but make sure you are always checking your sugar levels. Many people believe that your blood sugar will automatically go back to normal after you give birth, but this is often untrue.
It is important to not rely solely on the urine ketone test for checking your blood sugar. This urine ketone test has its limits. It can only indicate whether the glucose level in the blood is 200 milligrams or higher in the blood. Instead, the ADA advises diabetics to rely on more accurate testing methods, such as finger sticks and testing strips.
Employers are not allowed to use diabetes against you when you are applying for a position. Due to this, you do not have to tell them about your pre-existing medical conditions.
If you have diabetes, make sure to eat plenty of healthy carbohydrates during the day. Strenuous low-carb diets are not a good choice for diabetics, since they do not provide the body with the quality nutrition and fiber it needs. Give yourself the stamina to keep going by ensuring you have a sufficient amount of carbohydrates in your diet.
Studies have shown that exercise can lower your blood sugar, which will help you control your blood sugar levels healthily. Aerobic training and resistance exercises produce the best results.
Living with diabetes is not difficult, but you must learn how to deal with your diabetic issues effectively. If an individual is committed to learning more about this condition, he or she can achieve and maintain a healthy body and mind. The more knowledge one has, the better one’s health is likely to be.
It’s imperative that diabetics understand that they need to educate themselves about the care their bodies need, and put that knowledge into practice. The tips mentioned in this article should be extremely useful if you decide to apply them.