Diabetes can strike anybody and it doesn’t care if you are rich or poor. And is dramatically increasing. In the last decade, the cases of people living with diabetes jumped nearly 50 percent to more than 40 million people who reside in U.S.A. Internationally, it affect more than 422 million humans. And the world health organization estimates that by 2030, that number of human beings living with diabetes will be more than double. What are you going to do about it? Do you Wish to fold your hands and watch? These days, Diabetes takes extra lives than AIDS and breast cancers in total claiming the life of one American every 3 minutes. It is the main causes of blindness, kidney failure, amputations, heart failure and stroke. Living with diabetes places an emotional, bodily and financial burden on the whole circle of relatives. Yearly, diabetes cost the American public more than $245 billion. But what are you going to do about it? To answer that, you need to know the role of insulin in your body.? When you consume, your body turns food into sugars, or glucose. At that point, your pancreas is supposed to release insulin. Insulin serves as a “key” to cells opening, to allow the glucose to flow into and allow you to use the glucose for energy. But with diabetes, this system does not work. Numerous things can go wrong causing the onset of diabetes. TYPE 1 and TYPE 2 DIABETES are the most common of this disease, however there are also other types, which includes gestational diabetes, which takes place during pregnancy, in addition to other types. In this Book you will know what you need to do whether you are Diabetic or Prediabetes or just want to prevent diabetes. This book is a must for you because what you will learn in this book is vital to your health. SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR GRAB YOUR COPY NOW DONT MISS THE INFORMATION IN THIS EBOOK.
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