Many people look at diabetes as an inconvenient disease, something akin to a corn or a bad case of acne. Unless you really understand the basics of what diabetes is, it’s easy to write it off as something that’s inconsequential. Education about the disease is really important to learning how to identify its symptoms. Read more about it below.
When starting an exercise plan to lose weight and get your Diabetes in check, find a partner to work out with. If you are going to work out together then you can make sure that both of you always show up, and then watching each other exercise helps ensure that you each are doing the exercises correctly.
If your child is diagnosed with Diabetes, make keeping track of their blood sugar fun. Have a contest where they get a reward for doing their blood sugar on time every day for a certain number of days, like a trip to the toy store or an hour at the park.
To go trick-or-treating, or not to go? That is a very tough question for the parent of a Diabetic child. The fact is that your child is never going to eat all that candy or else they’ll lapse into a coma. Instead, why not have a party at your house for all the kids in your neighborhood?
Hospitals will often have Diabetes clinics for local patients to attend, and they will have great advice for you. They’ll give you tools to track your blood sugar, nutritional information for your diet plan, and even exercise tips. They can also be a great support group for you and will answer any questions that you might have.
Diabetics should never EVER skip a meal! If you’ve planned to eat, then you must eat, or else your medication can drop your blood sugar so low you end up getting very sick. At least have a drink of juice or milk and some of your food so that your body gets a boost of energy.
Diabetic feet are more prone to infection than the average person’s, so check them when you shower for any cuts or bruising. One of the first symptoms of Diabetes that I had was a red speckling on the top of my feet which indicated blood pressure problems, but I didn’t notice as I always wore socks and didn’t have my glasses on in the bathroom. If you already have Diabetes, keep a watchful eye on those tootsies.
Make sure to regularly check your blood sugar and write it in a log if you are diabetic. It is important that you do this because your blood sugar may be fine and a few hours later it could be dangerously high. Blood sugar that is consistently high raises your risk of heart disease and stroke.
If you’re trying to keep your Diabetes under control, eating right is very important. Buying fruits and vegetables in season can help you eat healthy foods while not spending more than your budget allows. Root vegetables are best to eat in winter, while berries would be cheapest in the summer months.
When eating healthy for a Diabetic diet, compare the items various stores sell and see who has the best prices on specific items. I like to keep a spreadsheet on my phone which shows each item I buy regularly, and which store I can get it at the best price so I can stock up when I go to that store.
If you find that your A1C levels are disproportionately higher than your typical blood glucose levels, the problem may be that you are measuring your pre-meal levels, which does not give you an accurate reading. Your average levels may not accurately reflect readings that are taken before, during, and after eating your meals.
Learn what foods have a high-glycemic index sweet like cookies, sugar-laden soft drinks, as well as carbohydrate filled breads. Cereals, and pastas are all high-glycemic index foods. These foods can cause your blood sugar to rise very quickly, usually referred to as a spike. Stick to the perimeter of the store, with fresh produce and meats, and avoid heavily processed foods.
To stay prepared for drops in your blood sugar levels, pack glucose boosting snacks in zip-lock bags. Carrying around some low fat trail mix or cashews will ensure you’re never stuck without a healthy snack to give you a boost. If you don’t carry a purse, small snacks can easily be stored in a pocket.
People who suffer from diabetes should consult their doctor as to whether or not it is safe to drink alcohol. Alcohol has been shown to lower blood glucose, but it can do so in an unpredictable manner so it may not always be a safe product to use. Make sure you speak with a health professional to see if it is something that can have a pronounced effect on you.
If you are a newly diagnosed diabetic, the number of medications that you are prescribed can seem overwhelming and confusing. Rather than simply stopping or improperly dosing any of your medications, ask to speak with your healthcare provider or pharmacist for more in-depth knowledge about when and how you should take your meds, as well as what side effects you may experience.
If you are a diabetic considering running as an exercise alternative to walking make sure that you consult your doctor first. It is important to ensure that running won’t make you develop orthopedic or cardiovascular problems. Your doctor will be able to help point you in the right direction to guarantee safe running with your diabetes.
When you’re diabetic it can be very useful to carry around some emergency food. Whether it’s just a bar of granola or a candy bar, this can be life saving as it keeps up your blood sugar and reduces the risk of having a glucose deficit. When you have a glucose deficit it’s very possible to lose track of time and get confused.
This article lists out the direct introductions into learning about the disease. Whether severe or minor, it’s vital that a person understands how their inner body works in concert with other mechanisms. Diabetes is a disease like anything else and can pose potentially fatal effects if left ignored. Diabetes is a real issue.