Is there a difference you should know about in type 1 and type 2 diabetes? The quick and honest answer to that question is an emphatic yes. Not only should you know what makes the types of diabetes different, but you should also know how to manage each type. Use this article to help you manage the disease.

Do you know what your A1C is? If you’re Diabetic, you should know it along with your weight. This number indicates how well you’ve been controlling your blood sugar over the long-term, which will tell you if you need to be checking your fasting blood glucose levels more often to see what’s going on.

Go online for help with your Diabetes! There are many forums and groups of people who are just like you and they love to help others. You’ll find all kinds of advice about every facet of Diabetic life, from coping with family members who are not supportive to recipes and diet tips.

Vinegar helps to keep blood sugar spikes at bay for diabetics who eat it during a meal. Some people actually recommend drinking it straight before you eat! I like to sprinkle it on a salad, or douse my vegetables in it. It’s also great for marinating meats! It’s extremely versatile.

If you suffer from diabetes it is absolutely critical that you monitor the amount of alcohol you drink. Cutting back on alcohol consumption is one of the best things a diabetic can do to improve their health. Alcohol is loaded with empty calories and fast acting carbohydrates. These fast acting carbohydrates quickly raise blood sugar levels in the body and this, in turn, can lead to type II diabetes complications.

Now that you have a greater understanding of ways you can go about managing you diabetes you should have already started thinking of strategies you can add to your daily routine. Remember just as the beginning of the article stated, if you apply all that you learned as much as you can, managing your diabetes should feel routine before you know it.