You don’t need to feel helpless when figuring out how to manage your diabetes. The right way to feel in control is to gather the best information that you can. This article is just what you need. There are several great tips that you might not have thought about before.
When a child has Diabetes, you need to ensure that everyone in their life is aware of the consequences of not adhering strictly to their new eating rules. If they go to their Grandparents’ house, ensure they know how important it is for the child to only receive healthy snacks.
Stress can wreak havoc on a Diabetic’s mental health, but it will also cause problems physically as well. Try to do stress-relieving activities like exercise, yoga, or deep breathing exercises at the end of the day or during any situation that is particularly stressful to keep yourself calm, cool, and collected.
If you want a fun way to exercise, take your kids to the park! You can play a game of soccer or basketball, or just chase them around on the playground. Tennis is also fun and you can play with kids of any age. Pick something they enjoy and you’ll enjoy it, too!
When you’re planning to go to a doctor’s visit, write down any concerns you have. It doesn’t matter how outlandish they may seem, it’s much easier to read them off a page (or PDA or tablet, whatever works for you) than trying to remember them. Every bit of information you gain will help you keep your health in check!
The best thing a person can do to avoid diabetes is to exercise. People who exercise 30 to 60 minutes per day, at least 5 days per week, can lower their risk of developing diabetes by almost 50 percent. Exercise improves the health of your heart and lungs, reduces stress, reduces fat, increases metabolism and lowers blood sugar levels.
Increasing your intake of magnesium is not only good for your heart, it can help your diabetes too! You can find lots of magnesium in fish, leafy greens, and nuts, so include those items in your diet as often as possible. Almonds are an excellent choice to grab as a snack any time.
Make sure to take your diabetes medications exactly as directed. You are NOT a doctor, nor is anyone else giving you advice other than your physician. They tell you how often to take your prescriptions and how much you should take at a time because they know, so follow their directions.
Make sure to keep active. Exercising and doing physical activities have several benefits. It can lower your blood sugar and help you lose weight. Not only that, it can increase your responsiveness to insulin which will help keep your blood sugar level. Both aerobic and resistance exercises provide excellent benefits.
It is important that you have your cholesterol checked at least once a year if you have diabetes. Having diabetes increases your chances of developing high cholesterol, which can cause serious health problems like heart disease and stroke. There is a simple blood test called a fasting lipid profile that checks your cholesterol levels.
Gestational diabetes can be a dangerous complication of pregnancy. It causes high blood sugar and can affect your health as well as your baby’s. Luckily, gestational diabetes can be controlled by a healthy diet, exercise, and sometimes medication. It usually resolves itself after the baby is born.
To keep your insulin resistance from increasing, always eat a good breakfast. Breakfast provides a kickstart to your metabolism that plays a crucial role in helping your body properly process insulin. Grabbing a quick snack instead of a balanced meal will make it hard to keep your blood sugar levels stable throughout the day.
If you have diabetes, and you plan on getting pregnant or are pregnant already, it is crucial that you take extra folic acid. Babies born to a diabetic mother are more likely to develop birth defects than those born to healthy mothers and folic acid can reduce the risk of birth defects.
It is crucial that people with diabetes get a simple blood test known as an HbA1c test every three months. HbA1c tests show blood sugar levels for the past two to three months and can help your doctor control your diabetes. It is recommended that the HbA1c is kept at or below seven percent.
To deal with the foot swelling that many with diabetes suffer from, always buy shoes one size larger and wider than you would normally wear. In the morning, pair your shoes with thick cotton socks, and switch to a thinner pair of socks when your feet swell later in the day.
Lifting weights will greatly help reduce the risk of heart disease, which is a huge concern for anyone dealing with diabetes. The chances of you getting both of these will go down when your body is more lean. Strength-training will help you to lose visceral fat which is the most dangerous for your heart health.
Watch your feet. More than half of all foot and leg amputations performed in the U.S. are related to diabetes. Diabetes can cause nerve damage and loss of feeling in your feet, known as Neuropathy. It is important for diabetics to check their feet often. You should watch for red spots and swelling, and keep your feet cared for by trimming your nails and wearing comfortable and supportive shoes.
When you have diabetes, there are times it may be easier to take a shot or pop a pill then to get moving. The truth is that along with a healthy diet, exercise is one of the best things you can do to take care of your body if you live with diabetes.
You now have some practical and easy to understand information to help you let go of that helpless feeling and start seeing yourself in control of your diabetes. Using this information will not only give you more control of your life but it can be just what you need to look and feel your best.