by Jeff Royce | Apr 6, 2023 | Managing Your Diabetes
With prediabetes at epidemic levels, millions of people are being told by their doctor to take personal action now, before it’s too late. Prediabetes Wake-Up Call provides the newly diagnosed patient with detailed information about the threat of type 2 diabetes...
by Jeff Royce | Apr 6, 2023 | Managing Your Diabetes to Levels for sponsoring this video. To get started, go to and get 2 additional months free on the annual Levels membership. CGM stands for, continuous glucose monitor, and that is exactly what...
by Jeff Royce | Apr 5, 2023 | Managing Your Diabetes A FREE Diabetes Consultation from Diabetes Expert – Diabexy Q&A – 25 Normal Blood Sugar Level कितना होना चाहिए | How Diabetes can...
by Jeff Royce | Apr 3, 2023 | Managing Your Diabetes
In Safe and Proven Cure for Diabetes, the myths, causes, symptoms, and treatments for gestational diabetes, as well as the two other types of diabetes (type 1 and 2) are discussed in full detail with the aim of providing the reader with the tools he or she needs to...
by Jeff Royce | Apr 3, 2023 | Managing Your Diabetes does Cannabis/weed/marijuana do to diabetes? What are the health benefits that a diabetic can get from it? What will happen if I consume too much marijuana? In this video, Dr. Ergin will explore the pros and cons of taking...
by Jeff Royce | Apr 2, 2023 | Managing Your Diabetes vivendo uma epidemia silenciosa de diabetes. E, até mesmo por falta de informação, temos a tendência de achá-la uma doença inofensiva, já que não percebemos seus efeitos logo de cara. É possível identificar seus sinais...
by Earline Embs | Apr 1, 2023 | Weight Loss
Weight loss is a very common goal. Some of them have success and parade their beautiful bodies everywhere they go. Other people are less fortunate as they don’t commit and never see results. If the latter group of people sounds like you, then read this article...
by Jeff Royce | Apr 1, 2023 | Managing Your Diabetes
Status of Diabetes in Canada GBS_insertEmbeddedViewer(“2X1WyAEACAAJ”, 500,400);
by Jeff Royce | Apr 1, 2023 | Managing Your Diabetes recent Systematic Review & Meta-analysis found that Low-Carb Diets & Very Low-Carb Diets were safe and led to remission of Type 2 Diabetes better than low-fat diets recommended by the ADA, AHA, & AMA. Are you ready...
by Earline Embs | Mar 31, 2023 | Weight Loss
If you only need to drop a few pounds, it may take awhile. That’s due to the fat being replaced by muscle. And, if you’re building muscle, it is actually heavier than the fat, so you might see different results on the scale. This article has weight loss...