With more candy and sodas and other junk food on the shelves in stores today, more and more people are contracting diabetes and ultimately having to give up on these foods to regulate their body’s blood glucose levels. Find out some important diabetes tips and how to handle the disease in the text below.
Lentils are an amazing food. They are full of quality protein and nutrients. They are ideal for people with diabetes (or indeed anyone) trying to lose weight. You can do a million things with them! You can cook them and then make them into patties and eat them as hamburgers! You can sprout them in a jar and then sprinkle them in a salad! They can be found in most stores and they’re not expensive – so add them to your shopping list!
Diabetics need to eat small meals throughout the day to keep their blood sugar from spiking, so try to plan out at least five eating times if you can. Start with a large breakfast (but make sure it doesn’t have too many carbs or a lot of sugar), then have a snack before and after lunch. Eating some nuts or seeds before bed keep your metabolism going overnight.
Do you know what your A1C is? If you’re Diabetic, you should know it along with your weight. This number indicates how well you’ve been controlling your blood sugar over the long-term, which will tell you if you need to be checking your fasting blood glucose levels more often to see what’s going on.
Green tea is an excellent tool for the Diabetic who is attempting to lose weight. Studies show it helps your heart to stay healthy, and it’s so tasty that you won’t want to add any sweeteners to it. You can also use powdered matcha in cooking, and it’s great with cocoa!
There are many Diabetic communities throughout the nation, so ask your doctor to find one nearby for you to visit. You’ll find that the people who attend have great tips and tricks that they’re using, and the medical personnel who attend can answer all of your questions. They’re all in the same boat as you and are there to support you in your journey!
Diabetics should work exercise into their daily routine, so think about what you’re doing right now and how you could be doing more. Maybe it’s putting a pile of books under your desk and stepping your feet up and down them. How about getting up and chasing the dog around the house for 10 minutes? Every bit helps!
Find a diabetic friend to support you through your journey with diabetes. You’ll be able to swap ideas, share recipes and just have a shoulder to cry on when things get stressful. You can even give them a call when you’re having a craving and they’ll talk you through it! Friends can keep you sane and that’s especially true, if they’re going through the same hardship that you are.
Put some walnuts in your salad to add some extra nutrition. These nuts contain “good” monosaturated fats, which counter the insulin resistance caused by diabetes. In addition to being tasty and helpful in boosting energy levels, walnuts contain numerous healthy substances, including omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants.
Get educated about your condition. The more information you have about diabetes, the better you are equipped to handle it. By educating yourself more, you can in turn educate others including family members and friends. They may not be sure how to handle diabetes and aren’t sure about how they may be able to help you one day.
One of the most difficult things to remember for a newly-diagnosed diabetic is the importance of monitoring glucose levels diligently. Over time, failure to do so can lead to irreversible damage to the nerves and blood vessels throughout the entire body. These types of damage can lead to problems with emotional, cardiovascular, and sexual health.
If you have diabetes, and you plan on getting pregnant or are pregnant already, it is crucial that you take extra folic acid. Babies born to a diabetic mother are more likely to develop birth defects than those born to healthy mothers and folic acid can reduce the risk of birth defects.
Eating lots of fiber, offsets carbohydrates, as well as, sugars found in your system, which helps to maintain a healthy blood sugar level. Fiber can be found in many grains, vegetables, fruits and other foods. A healthy blood sugar level helps prevent diabetes and also, helps offset diabetic symptoms after you are already diagnosed. Make sure you have plenty of fiber in your diet.
Diabetes does not have to keep one from doing the things that they wish to do and enjoy. By properly monitoring ones blood sugar and doing the necessary things to maintain it one can enjoy their life still. One can have an excellent quality of life regardless of their diabetes.
Cinnamon is very beneficial to diabetes sufferers. This wonderful spice adds a little sweetness to foods such as oatmeal, fruit, and yogurt, without added sugar. Some studies show that partaking of cinnamon can lower blood sugar, as well as cholesterol and triglycerides levels. It tastes delicious, stimulates digestion, and makes one feel more alert.
If you have been diagnosed with type I diabetes, it is important for you to carry your insulin injections with you everywhere that you go. You never know when you will need to take an injection and without one, you could easily go into a diabetic coma. You can use a small cooler to carry them.
Properly care for any scrapes or injuries you incur. Diabetes makes it difficult for your body to heal, and it also increases the likelihood that you will get an infection, so it is important to take care of even minor injuries right away. Always clean them and apply an antibiotic cream. Go to the doctor if your wound does not improve.
As stated in the opening of this article, there’s a lot more sugar out there in today’s world. It’s becoming easier to contract diabetes. Luckily, however, it’s also becoming easier to treat diabetes thanks to the Internet and informative articles like these. Implement what you’ve learned here to control your disease.