The Diabetes Book was previously published as “Living on a Tightrope: Coping with Diabetes” ******************************************************************************************************************* Hall of Famer Ron Santo was a diabetic who starred for the Chicago Cubs in the 1960’s. These were the dark ages of diabetes care, and Santo struggled with his disease in secret. His amazing story illustrates the unique problems of living with diabetes and helps show the incredible progress that’s been made in treating it since then. One thing hasn’t changed: old wives tales and incorrect common “knowledge” are so rampant that millions of people believe things that simply aren’t true. This includes many diabetics and it’s even worse among the general public. This can result in genuine fear, a naïve disregard for its seriousness, or anything in between. The Diabetes Book is easily readable and uses compelling real-life stories to explain practical realities to diabetics, those who love them, and those who worry about it. It inspires everyone – diabetic or not – to pursue strong, healthy lives.
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