Do you know the ins and outs of living with diabetes? The following article provides you with some sound advice for your diabetes management program.

Every type of food has a number that states its effects on blood sugar. This number is called the “glycemic index“. Look for lower GI ratings if you struggle with diabetes.

Experiment with alternative sources of protein such as eggs and tofu instead of just eating meat. Change it up often to give your mouth a treat.

It is tough to be told that your child has diabetes, but there is so much you can do to make it easier for them. You child can have a long and fulfilling life because there are a lot of medications that make it easy to deal with diabetes. Keep in mind that diabetics are living into their 80’s, and the oldest diabetic is 90! Your child need not be the exception!

If you live with diabetes, be extra careful if you have a pedicure. Diabetics are sensitive to infection. So, you should be careful if there’s a cut or puncture there.


Make sure to read the nutrition labels as many common foods contain this. If it has corn syrup, back to the shelf it goes. If you buy food products in Canada, you will want to watch out for any food that is labeled with “glucose/fructose”.

Grain Foods

Add more fibers to your diet to reduce the risks of getting diabetes. High glycemic index foods, including processed foods and white bread, can raise your risk for developing diabetes, so you should eliminate these foods from your diet and replace them with whole grain foods. Whole grain foods are not only good for maintaining diabetes, but they can also help to prevent development of the condition in children.

TIP! Make your life easier and more organized by doing everything the same way every time. By having your supplies in the same location, and by eating and checking your levels at the same time, you can function like clockwork and worry less about serious complications.

Always keep sugary gum or another form of sugar that is quick to grab and consume on hand when you are hypoglycemic. The effects of hypoglycemia can be much more dangerous than those of hyperglycemia, and it can rear its ugly head at any time. If you suffer from hypoglycemia, avoid attacks by never skipping meals.

You can save a ton of money on prescriptions if you switch to an online pharmacy. You can order diabetes medication or supplies on a monthly basis, so that you’ll get your new shipment each month before your prescriptions run out.

You need to be aware of all foods that have high glycemic index, which can raise the level of blood sugar quickly in your body. Bread, juice and pasta are very in high in terms of the glycemic index. Processed foods also have a very bad effect on your blood sugar. Choose better foods, including fruits that are fresh and vegetables that are not canned, as well as seafood and meats.

TIP! You should test yourself for sleep apnea if you suffer from diabetes. In order to remain healthy, obtain treatment for your sleep apnea as soon as you are diagnosed.

If you are diabetic, talk to your physician if your vision is bugging you or there are any problems with it. Unfortunately diabetes can cause all sorts of eye problems, including cataracts, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma. Serious eye disorders that can lead to blindness are directly related to diabetes.

Even if you have diabetes, if you are a snacker it can be difficult to resist the pick-me-ups you know are sitting on the kitchen counter, or in vending machines. But it is important to forgo those snacks in favor of a complex carbohydrate like vegetables or fruit.

Always remember why it is important to you to maintain adequate control over your diabetes. Remind yourself of life’s enjoyments, what is stopping you from enjoying those things, and how you can work around those blocks. Stay focused on what you find important and let that motivate the management of your diabetes.

TIP! If you’re not sure how you can afford your diabetes medications, try looking at online pharmacies. Sometimes they will even deliver for you each month.

As a person diagnosed with hypoglycemia, make a point to consult with your physician about the possibility of taking glucose tablets. These tablets will help increase your sugar levels quickly and more effectively.

Blood Glucose Levels

All diabetics should be trained to use a finger stick tester to check blood glucose levels several times per day. While this type of testing can show you if your urine has high ketone levels, that only lets you know your blood glucose levels are over 200 milligrams for each deciliter. More accurate methods, such as testing strips and finger sticks, are more accurate and recommended by the ADA.

TIP! It is important that you pay attention to the foods that you eat when you are diabetic. Different food affect your glucose levels differently, so you need to closely monitor what you eat.

When people have diabetes they are also more likely to acquire other health problems as well, and they might not even notice them; one serious one to note is sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a condition that causes you to stop breathing. If you notice that you are extra sleepy during the day, talk to your doctor about running some tests to see if you have sleep apnea.

You need to know a ton to live a safe diabetes lifestyle. This can be a large weight on your shoulders unless you take measures to take some of this weight off. Following the advice that you have been given will allow you to take a stand against the ill effects of the disease.