No matter which type of diabetes you may have been diagnosed with, you now face the overwhelming challenge of managing the disease and your health, while still being able to enjoy life. Your best defense against diabetes is a good solid foundation of knowledge. Read the article below for some tips that will help your manage your diabetes and your life.

The glycemic index is a number that reflects how much effect different foods have on your blood sugar level. The lower a food’s glycemic number, or GI, the better it is for the diabetic diet.

TIP! All food has a ‘glycemic index’ this is how much your blood sugar will be affected when you eat them. Look for lower GI ratings if you struggle with diabetes.

Managing your everyday life in an orderly and consistent manner can make it flow with more ease. Keep all of your equipment in the same spot at home and at work, so that you always know where to find your treatments in an emergency. When you are testing, do it at the same time each day, and keep a list nearby of the steps that must be completed so that you don’t skip any.

If your salad is lacking nutrients, give it a boost with some walnuts! The monounsaturated fats in walnuts can increase cell receptivity to insulin to help your body maintain good blood sugar levels. Not only that, but walnuts are also great sources of vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids. They are also tasty and boost your energy levels.

Sleep Apnea

TIP! When you have diabetes, you need to learn to indulge your body in a healthier manner. It is probably not necessary for you to ban sweets altogether.

If you have a diabetic condition, you should be tested for sleep apnea as soon as feasible. If sleep apnea is a problem for you, then seek treatment as soon as you can to maintain a healthy and active life.

If you suffer from hypoglycemia, it is important that you carry gum or another sugary food with you at all times. Attacks from hypoglycemia can pop up any place and at anytime; therefore, it’s vital you are properly prepared in case one occurs. This is particularly true when you have avoided breakfast; your body craves sugar after having no food all night.

Even if you have diabetes, if you are a snacker it can be difficult to resist the pick-me-ups you know are sitting on the kitchen counter, or in vending machines. Replace unhealthy snacks with fruits or vegetables instead.

TIP! If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, it’s important that you get tested for sleep apnea. If sleep apnea is a problem for you, then get treatment now, before it has a chance to impact your health.

Gestational diabetes is by no means something that you have caused! It is something that just happens, and quite frequently you cannot control it. If you want to keep stress out of your life, you need to keep your stress down and stay thinking positive and happy.

This increases the chances that your child will have diabetes at birth or at some time in his or her life. Do NOT curse your child with this disease, instead take care of yourself now.

You should take insulin that is fast-acting one to 15 minutes before eating a meal, unless a doctor advises you differently. Fast-acting insulin is only effective in managing blood sugar levels with careful timing and consistent dosing.

TIP! Lower your diabetes risk by eating a diet high in fiber. White breads and processed food items usually are high-glycemic and up your chances of diabetes, but if you make a habit of choosing anything with whole grains, you are unlikely to eat them.

Always remember why it is important to you to maintain adequate control over your diabetes. Think about the things in your life that you enjoy doing, what are the things that keep your from doing it and what should you do to help with that. Stay focused on what is important to you so those things will keep you motivated to continue to manage your disease.

Glucose Levels

It is important that, as a diabetic, you eat nutritional foods on a regular basis and check your glucose levels, even when feeling unwell and you have no appetite. Low glucose levels will lead to dehydration, so keep water handy.

TIP! You can find a lot of savings on diabetes medication by shopping online versus using the local pharmacy. These stores also allow you to arrange for monthly deliveries of your drugs, so you never have to worry about running out.

A common misconception regarding diabetes is that sugar is not allowed in your diet. You are not required to ban sugar, but you must be intelligent about sweets. You may still celebrate with an occasional indulgence in a sweet treat. Plan carefully and balance your splurge with the other carbohydrates consumed that day, preferably by bypassing them.

Get some exercise regularly. Exercise aids your body in handling insulin, thus keeping your blood sugar stable. Exercise is important for the diabetic to be able to enjoy life.

Employers are not allowed to refuse applicants for job positions just because they have diabetes. You don’t have to express your medical issues upfront.

Egg Whites

Eat egg whites for breakfast if you have diabetes! When you eat egg whites, your body gets a metabolic kick start from the protein, without a lot of fat or calories. You can eat your egg whites scrambled, or even use them to make a delicious omelet.

These days, lifestyle management is key. When you are able to maintain a normal lifestyle, you can avoid many of the dangerous side effects associated with this serious disease.