Whether you have Type 1, Type 2 or Gestational Diabetes, make sure you’re doing whatever you can to treat the disease. Letting it spiral out of control can lead to a list of complications! Take a few minutes to read this article. See the tips below to help you manage Diabetes.
Be VERY careful with any advice you receive online about diabetes treatment. It is fine to do your research online, and even to find out what other people are doing to take care of their disease, but you need to take any new information you want to act on to your doctor, to make sure that it’s medically sound.
People who eat at least two servings of dairy a day are less likely to develop insulin resistance, even if they’re significantly over weight. Even if you’re already Diabetic, including lots of low-fat dairy in your diet will help you to keep your blood sugar levels under control all day.
If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, I am sure you know how to check your blood sugar. You should check it before meals and at bedtime. This insures that if there is a sudden change in your blood sugar levels, you know in advance to address the situation in a timely fashion lest an emergency arise.
If you absolutely must indulge in something sweet, have a glass of decaffeinated coffee with it. This will help lower the spike in blood sugar you get after eating, potentially stopping the need for you to inject more insulin. It must be decaf, though, as caffeine can have other, unwanted side effects.
Find a free clinic in your area to have your Diabetes monitored if you can’t afford to visit your doctor every three months. You can call your local Diabetes association, ask at a local hospital, or inquire through your Health Department, to find out where the closest clinic is to you.
Hypoglycemics should always have hard candy and sugary gum available in case of a hypoglycemic attack. Hypoglycemic attacks can happen anywhere, and you need to be prepared. Skipping breakfast is a bad idea that makes attacks more likely, because your body will be especially desperate for sugar.
To avoid developing a life-threatening infection, avoid going barefoot outdoors. People with diabetes are much more susceptible to developing infections from minor injuries and simply cutting your foot on a piece of glass could become a major ordeal. Instead, try wearing lightweight, waterproof shoes when you’re going outside in warm weather.
If you have diabetes, wear an I.D. bracelet at all times. Although it may trivial, wearing an I.D. bracelet can save your life if you were to pass out as paramedics will know you suffer from diabetes and can help treat you effectively. If you do not feel like wearing an I.D. bracelet, make sure to keep something on you that says you are a diabetic.
In order to prevent gestational diabetes, try eating a low glycaemic index diet. These diets help to slow the digestion of food, which allows the body to adjust to the amount of sugar that is consumed during a meal. In turn, this helps to prevent women from developing gestational diabetes.
Watch out for trans-fats. Trans fats are found in any foods containing partially hydrogenated oils. These fats are dangerous for everybody, but diabetics are at extra risk. Trans fats cause increased amounts of fat around the waistline which has been linked to heart disease. They are also extremely high in calories and low in nutritional content.
If you have diabetes, a great tip is to make sure you get a proper amount of sleep. If your amount of sleep is poor, it can mess with your hormones and lead to an increased appetite and elevated blood sugar. Research has shown that just one night of poor sleep can increase your insulin sensitivity by up to 25 percent. So make sure you get some sleep.
If you’re looking to help balance your blood sugar levels, eat more whole grain foods. While no one is completely certain why it works, research indicates that whole grains are good for maintaining healthy blood sugar and also for reducing a person’s risk of developing diabetes. An easy way to include more whole grains in your diet is to switch at least half the grain products you eat — like pasta and bread — to whole grain versions.
Insulin is being developed that can be inhaled. This will prove to be a great alternative to injections that many diabetics are forced to endure. Meanwhile this product is still undergoing clinical trials, it is said to be available within the United States and Europe within as little as a few years. Consider this in the near future for a positive alternative to insulin injections.
For those who suffer from diabetes there are many alternatives to sugar that can fulfill our sugar craving. These artificial sweeteners are often times 25 to 100 times more sweet than sugar and most the time they have close to 0 calories. Use these artificial sweeteners as a replacement for sugar.
If you’re a diabetic looking for a snack, make sure to choose something with 150 calories or less. Snacks have a tendency to make you go overboard and replace a full meal. Make sure you are truly hungry when you are reaching for a snack and not just using it as a boredom buster.
See a podiatrist regularly if you are diabetic. Diabetes can lead to circulation concerns in the feet. For this reason, proper foot care is essential. Have your podiatrist trim your toenails and manage any open sores. Failure to do this could lead to severe problems, even those requiring amputation.
So, it is possible to manage Diabetes! If you have Type 1, Type 2 or Gestational Diabetes, there are some positive steps you can take. Apply the suggestions given in this article. Avoid complications! Don’t let your Diabetes spiral out of control! Plan for success, not distress!