Diabetes For Dummies

The straight facts on treating diabetes successfully With diabetes now considered pandemic throughout the world, there have been enormous advances in the field. Now significantly revised and updated, this new edition of Diabetes For Dummies includes the latest...
YOU CAN EAT FRUITS even if you have DIABETES! *Here is why*

YOU CAN EAT FRUITS even if you have DIABETES! *Here is why*

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Tips On How To Overcome Diabetes Easily

Diabetes is a serious condition on its own, and can give rise to numerous secondary conditions and complications, even death. But, with the right care and educating yourself about the disease, you can live a happy and healthy life. The following article offers useful...

Diabetes and Couples

This book shows how psychological aspects of individuals and of couple relationships can work as both protective or risk factors to the health of diabetes patients and their partners. Departing from a social psychologic perspective, it analyzes how individual...
How To Know If You Have Type-2 Diabetes

How To Know If You Have Type-2 Diabetes

https://youtube.com/watch?v=TqrsEtpskG0Diabetes is more common than you think. You might be at risk and not even know it. Since symptoms are hard to spot, itโ€™s important to know the risk factors for Type-2 diabetes. If you have any of these symptoms, talk to your...
Weight Loss How To Keep It Off

Weight Loss How To Keep It Off

You’ve tried everything under the sun, but haven’t had success losing weight. Does this sound like you? If so, that is because it is not an uncommon experience among people trying to lose weight. People sometimes fail to reach their weight loss goals...


DIABETES IS NOT HEREDITARY BUT YOUR GRANDMAS DIET IS What doctors never say is the only way you can get the same diabetes your parents and grandparents have is the diet that they have passed to you, the same greasy foods the same fatty foods grandma fed your mother,...